Stretchers started out of with 30+ years with in the carpet cleaning, water damage industry and home remodeling industries in Northern Colorado and the Western Slope We continually heard complaints of loose carpet or the need to restretch carpet. We also saw first hand carpet being installed, restretch and repaired wrong. In theory the process of stretching carpet is not brain surgery but it does take the right approach, time and someone who is very detailed to do it right.
We feel our approach is like the product Apple®..."it just works!"
Our Process
Is to re-stretch carpet "the right way". This process includes, power stretching the carpet in all directions, making sure the tack strip is in the correct location to the baseboard/wall, double tack stripping and clearing the room of all furniture. A knee kicker was never intended to install carpet in a room. The purpose of a knee kicker is to assist the power stretcher as you come close to the corner of a room and in small areas (such as small closets or around toilets).